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So full of glorious color!! This crystal wind chime has a definite Southwestern appeal, don't you think ;-)

Antique brass top is heavily embellished with crystal and glass beads in orange, turquoise and teal, and the piece is surrounded with luscious, sparkly layers of crystal bead and prism strands in vibrant teal, turquoise, orange, clear, and small touches of mustard yellow. There are some fabulous chunky beads that give this piece a rich, dense dazzle!

Attached to the strands are teal crystal teardrop prisms, orange crystal teardrop prisms, teal icicle prisms, orange icicle prisms, teal water drop crystal prisms, and antique star and flower etched lead crystal prisms. The center strand holds an extra large orange faceted crystal ball.

This has a lovely melody in a breeze and superior sparkle! Measures 4" in diameter and 21" long.

Teal and Orange Crystal Wind Chime

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