A spectacular, sparkly antique crystal wind chime in beautiful, rich Autumn Bohemian colors ~ purple, violet, magenta, amber, copper and bronze. It is a glorious crystal wind chime ;-)
Antique brass top is embellished with purple and amber faceted crystal beads, and the piece is surrounded with 37 strands of crystal prism and faceted beads using all the above~mentioned colors, along with just a hint of burnt orange. There are lovely square crystal prisms, large crystal beads, distressed deep rose colored metal roses, deep purple colored metal roses, etc.
Attached to the strands are purple teardrop prisms, amber crystal pendant prisms, long antique cranberry crystal icicle prisms, magenta water drop crystal prisms, purple water drop crystal prisms, volcano crystal rings, purple crystal rings, and antique notched lead crystal spear head prisms in two sizes. This sounds amazingly beautiful in a breeze, and the sparkle is simply diamond~like ;-)
Measures 4 1/4" in diameter and 26" long. It is a fairly heavy piece.
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